Why do we find it so difficult to grieve?
This is probably because it has become common in our society to avoid feeling upset – happiness has become the only acceptable emotion. We have lost sight of the normal emotional state of the human being, which can be as changeable as the British weather. When we lose someone close to us, we naturally feel […]
How Do I Choose the Right Therapist for Me?
Talking to a therapist is a very personal and often vulnerable experience, so it is important to find a therapist who you connect with and most importantly, feel comfortable sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings. If you are experiencing relationship issues, depression, anxiety, bereavement, addiction, or problems with gender, sexuality or identity, you might be […]
What is the Difference Between Counselling and Psychotherapy?
Prospective clients looking at the Personal & Relationship Counselling website will notice that we offer both “Counselling” and “Psychotherapy”, and they might well wonder what exactly is the difference between the two. It’s a good question and as a therapist who has worked at Personal & Relationship Counselling for a long time, and has done […]
Should I Get Online or Face-to-Face Counselling?
At Personal and Relationship Counselling, we offer couples counselling and psychotherapy from our private practice in Plymouth, along with giving clients the option of receiving sessions online. In our post-pandemic world, it is important that clients have a choice about whether they have online or in-person counselling. As a result, you may be wondering which […]

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