Hidden Stories
In this book, "The Myth of Normal", Gabor Maté suggests that there are often "hidden stories" behind our difficulty or inability to say no. And he suggests that they come from " limiting core beliefs about ourselves", what transactional analysts call "Scripts" we learn in childhood, and live out afterwards. He suggests that the following […]
Fight-or-flight; our body’s automatic reaction to stress or danger
The Fight-or-Flight Response: How Our Brain Reacts to Threats The brain is a complex organ that regulates many aspects of our physical and psychological well-being. It constantly processes information from our senses and the environment, and responds accordingly. However, when the brain perceives something as a potential threat, it activates a system that prepares us […]
Is your counsellor a good fit for you?
There are so many counsellors offering a vast range of different therapies and approaches that it’s hard to know how to make the right choice, but it is so important that we do. Finding the right counsellor, one who you can connect and feel safe with is important. Therapy can be a powerful tool for […]
Feeling the Strain? Counselling Support in Plymouth for Those Who Serve
Are you a member of the armed forces, emergency services, NHS nurse or doctor, HM prison service feeling the weight of stress? You're not alone. Plymouth is home to many heroes who dedicate themselves to keeping us safe and healthy. But even the strongest of us need support sometimes. At PRC counselling practice on the […]

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